

sooo i guess i have not had time to post a new blog, which sucks :( i really wanted to do this every day but its hard and its been getting harder lately, soo heres just a random update haha
well swim season started like 3 weeks ago, thats why i dont have much time anymore, which sucks because im pretty sure my grades are going in the gutter these next report card, which if it happens im quitting swim fo'sho, anyways, well yesterday i went kayaking, which was awesome :) i fell in love with it and i wanna do it again, hmm... oh yeah, im on spring break already, which is awesome i was falling behind in my paramedic class because i didnt have time to study, so this 2 weeks off are nice :) hmm i think thats it :p


another funny comment to bebbie

im going to write a novel about a Mexican girl who falls in love with a chupacabras and then in the second book the chupacabras is going to leave her, and then shes going to start daiting a coyote :p hahahahhaha


UCSD students protesting

UCSD students protesting the "compton cookout" not only i think they're the racist ones, but I think theyre freaking flag burning unpatriotic bastards, first of all, can't they see those frat boys, were not expressing any racism with that?, if anything they were portraying their ignorance. I dont think they have any hatred against minorities and Americans of African descent, I think that they were just being bored and just needed a (pay attention, heres the important word) THEME, theyre just kids that wanted an excuse to dress outrageously, like in Halloween, toga parties, St. Patrick's, and other themed holidays. These students in particular were stressing a stereotype based on a particular race, they're allowed to think however the hell they want, and protected by the first amendment to dress that way, and make that a theme for a party. Now, let me ask this, how many of those hypocrits out there protesting "racism" out there have ever made a comment on how a particular race talks, dresses, or certain activities alledgedly performed by such race, yet they're out there "protesting because its the right thing to do" I think they're full of crap and just want to protest because theyre in college hah! just stick to experimenting with drugs and their sexuality please! now, why i think they're the racist ones, just because theyre white kids and they decided to do this, theyre white supremacists now? if other Americans of African descent had done such thing nothing would have happened, and of course, it makes sense you'll say, but the fact that still somebody can do some things and somebody can't or somebody can say "nigga" and other racial slurs and somebody cant shows much more segregation and racism than a stupid fraternity party i think thats my main point, and of course i think their party was wrong, regardless of what i think of the whole situation, but these guys should not be punished for it, they have the right to and i support that one hundred times more than what real racists and hypocrits are doing.
Last point I wanna make, I remember what we used to say around in the crew "were proud to be punk, cause its something we really choose to be, you can be a certain race, religion, or something else but thats not something you can be proud of, how can you be proud of something you didnt accomplish, something that was given to you whether you wanted it or not, but we choose to be punk even if people look at us weird and call us name were proud" that is something i still have with me, you cant be proud of your race, you didnt choose to be that, you cant be automatically racist because of your race, what really bothers me is that the claim most people use to say why "all" whites are racist is because of the past, and they were slave owners before and all that crap, but some of these kids today, yeah, maybe some of them their great grandparents were rich slave owners who would whip their slaves, and rape some of them, and lynch them, and hate them, and treat them like crap, but just because some may be descendants of them does that make every white person racist? not even the ones related to them have to be racist, they decide what they are going to be, the same way that we all do, we decide to do whats best for us, and for you my darker brother, you have to decide whether those stereotipical statements by these students define what you are, or if your own actions are going to decide who you really are.