
Tthe kid that got stung by a bee

The kid that got stung by a bee.
Dont take my word for it, i just overheard this on the bus, some guys where talking about it, but aparently some kid was all into bugs, and collecting butterflys and all that stuff right? and one day while chasing butterflys around he came upon a funny looking flower, he had heard about it before, people described it as red, juicy, and i guess sorta funny looking, or maybe not funny, but fun, something that would make you smile and feel good no matter what, but when he finally came upon it he rather thought it looked confusing, green and purple mixed together to make the most strange thing he had seen before, it wasnt ugly, it was prescious, it was amazing, it was the greatest thing he had seen, if it wasnt because he had gotten so mesmerized by it and got too close that he smelled it, "now what the..." he thought, he got dizzy, and felt this urge to throw up, he had never felt like this before all these colors from the beautiful flower slowly started coloring everything around him, to the point where he could not tell what was the flower and what was really around him, the petals started wrapping him around and slowly brought him closer to its core, and there he saw this bee, he had seen bees before... and each one had been weirder than the other, and he always thought, this must be the strangest animal ever, but then again he saw this one which made the other ones look so normal, this one was weird, it had 2 tiny wings, and black and yellow stripes all over her body and six legs, "how odd" he said to himself, "how can you be so strange, yet so beautiful, and just happen to be in this, the strangest flower in the world" he didnt know what to do but he had to do something, the petals where bringing him closer to it so he decided to grab it, he put it in his hand and stared at it, took a good look at it, it wasnt in his palm though.... it was in the back of his hand, just where he had that nasty cut he had gotten while playing with a knife a day before, and the bee just started walking around the back of his hand and slowly got closer to his still raw wound and just walked around it making him feel a discomfort he could not bear, and quickly grabbed it with his other hand which he pulled out of that bag of chips he had in his backpack and bam! it stung him

the first thing he could think of was the stinging pain this had brought him, but he was then amused at how the bee had gone back to his initial hand, this time in the palm, "this bee had pretty much just killed herself" he thought but yet she refused to leave him, it was going to spend her last moments alive with him, by this time the petals had brought him so close to the flower it disapeared, everything around him was just colors and other unexplicable factors that stimulized all of his senses in different ways he had never felt before, and he would think of so many things, he was pissed off at the bee for stinging him, but instantly it went away, being replaced by a feeling of sorrow for the bee, it was dying because of him, whose fault was it? he didnt know, he didnt care, he was determined to spend those last moments with that bee, admiring its beauty and thinking how lucky he was for finding such a unique beautiful bee. some more time went by and everything around him was so surreal from that flower he didnt even now if he was a human anymore that bee was not in his hand anymore he couldnt see his hand but the bee was still there they both stared at each other and they both flew away.
the next day the cops found the boy dead next to a bunch of roses, the kid had died from an infection he had gotten in his hand.



so, today i got my tux and prom tickets for me and Laura, and its barely starting to hit me that ill be out of highschool in 2 weeks :( hahaha i couldnt wait to get out of highschool about a month ago... but as it gets closer and closer it gets scarier, i guess im kind of afraid it will all go downhill from here like most people say, i hope its not..... im pretty sure i can do better :) this saturday im also taking my final for my EMT100 class, which is exiting! anyways... i dont think there is anything else that i should say... sooo yeah hahaha just an update :p