
ASVAB tomorrow.

so tomorrow i take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery also known as ASVAB, which is making me kind of nervous, not that much the test itself cause i know im smart as fuck, but what the test represents, its starting to feel real, and i really hope this is whats going to be the best for me, oh, by the way, i graduated on tuesday which was cool, but so far life after highschool has not been too good with me, yesterday i went to ensenada and i got to hang out with some old friends lastnight, which was pretty cool, we had fun and then some tacos :) haha boy do i love ensenada tacos :p well anyways, i should go to sleep because i have that test to take tomorrow and i should be as fresh as i can tomorrow, what i do in the next 3 years depends on it..... peeeace!