
operation Iraqi freedom

"The United States has paid a huge price to put the future of Iraq in the hands of its people. We have sent our young men and women to make enormous sacrifices in Iraq, and spent vast resources abroad at a time of tight budgets at home. We have persevered because of a belief we share with the Iraqi people—a belief that out of the ashes of war, a new beginning could be born in this cradle of civilization. Through this remarkable chapter in the history of the United States and Iraq, we have met our responsibility. Now, it is time to turn the page"
-Barrack Hussein Obama

So, as most of you i hope have heard on August 31 2010 our commander in chief and president Barrack Obama declared an end to operation Iraqi freedom and operation New Dawn begins (sounds like a sequel to star wars haha) what does this mean? well it means that officially our combat mission is over and the remaining 50,000 troops that will stay ther until next year will be doing peacekeeping and training missions to help the Iraqi military and police forces to be self sufficent, qualified, and dependable when it comes to taking care of their own country, wow, I remember being a 10 year old kid and seeing those images of war on tv i never wouldve thought this was going to take as long as it has, i dont think even bush was planning to spend so much time there either, im sure he thought it would be a walk in the park, well this walk in the park costed 4,417 us soldiers their lives and 103,819 civilian deaths was it for oil? was it for his own convenience or was it to make daddy proud? I dont know I'm sure Michael Moore would be glad to tell you with his right winged propaganda how 911 was a conspiracy that had been in the oven since who knows when. Oh boy was this a War... this thing was craaaaaaazy, i mean just think about all that is related to this WTC, Black Water crimes, Sadam Hussein, over 1,347,970 troops deployed, deployment tours controversies, and the funny thing is that this wasnt even a WAR officially it was only an "extended Military conflict/involvement"
this should scare all of us because it showed us the president can do whatever he wants without consulting the people we elected to represent us optimally in a time of crisis the president asks congress for their aproval to declare war, well little georgie decided he was to cool for that and did whatever he wanted, he decided for us he was going to send our people to a land far away, he decided he was going to use our name to further anger these extremist groups and he was going to use out tax money, and leave us with a nice bill he wont have to pay but i am....'wow...7 years i cant believe how long it was, theres so much things to talk about i wouldnt know where to start but i know where it ends, theres no reason to point fingers at someone, and blame them, what would be the point, after all whatever the reasons where, i think we did do some good out there, but i think it balances out with the harm we did or we caused, truth is that Iraq is a troubled country with or without us, but im glad we're working on getting out of there, God bless out troops and welcome back boys